Just when you think that they are done elevating their brand, the young entrepreneurs from Daily Paper ad yet another chapter to their story. Today marks the opening of Day Studios, a new contemporary hair salon for men presented by Daily Paper. Written by Richenny Felicia.

It’s no secret that streetwear brands and retailers more than other outlets manage to establish a solid customer base and also built a following that, more often than not, hangs out around their stores. Daily Paper took note of this and in a turn of events now offer their visitors an actual reason to stick around.

Over the past few days the Salon has welcomed a select group of invitees, among whom sportsmen, artist, journalists and other taste makers, to get a first hand trial run at being cut at Day Studios by Paul, the man who will actually run the place. Needles to say that everyone walked away more than happy, as could be seen all over social media.

Paul Day, originally from New Zealand, has been based in Amsterdam for the past two years. After having cut and styled hair all over the world, he now decided it was time to settle here and offer his services on one spot where many international people come through, so he could reach as many individuals as possible. Time spent in his chair, is time spent getting to know a visionary, enthusiastic and talented young mind. What exactly that means you will have to go and experience for yourself.

Next week a barber from LA is flying in for the week, after which the second chair will be in hands of a barber that Paul himself has trained. For the time being he is still across the world, temporarily, mastering the final touches of his craft. Together they can take care of all types of hair, from European to black, at Bilderdijkstraat 131 in Amsterdam. Not only while you’re there, but also by offering Redken For Men products to groom and maintain your new cut after the fact.

Besides the very capable hands of the barbers and the coolness of brand, we must not forget the greatest element of Day Studios, which is arguably its space. Set in the back of the Daily Paper store, it’s like gem waiting to be discovered. The minimalistic design, life size mirrors and clean interior elements manage to express a very sophisticated and contemporary masculinity. No offence to all the “authentic barbershops” which have built themselves on a look and feel of the past, but this is exactly what the modern young man with style looks for in terms of spaces to live his life in.

The story doesn’t end there though. Daily Paper also launched their new slides collaboration with the Sandalboyz in the new shoe corner of their store, where they will be selling footwear from other brands in the future. In case it wasn’t clear yet, a visit to their store now means a head-to-toe hook up with a fresh look and outfit. What more could a man want?

Daily Paper Day Studios - Bilderdijkstraat 131 - Amsterdam


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