Leeblaine Media – Photographer @leeblainmedia/Stylist: Ilaria Deplano @ilaria_de_plano/ Makeup: Iris Moreau @honey-artists/Hair: John Nguyen for Obliphica @johnblaineofficial @obliphica Seung Lee @seungleephoto @honey-artists/Model: Grace Cheng @gracepcheng @twomanagement / The Pop Group @thepop.group/In-House @in_house.group/ Photo Assistant: Sunny Park @sunnyparkphoto/Nails: Tracey Sutter @tlsutter/Videographer: Jake Choi @jakechoistudio/PR Solo @pr_solo/Maison Privee Pr @maisonpriveepr_la/Pullquest @pullquest
Earrings by Bonheur Jewelry @bonheur_jewelry, Outfit by Coral Castillo @coral_castillo
Earrings by Ninna York @ninnayork, Top and pants by Oroy @oroyshakhidi, Belt and gloves by Uncuffed Leather @uncuffedleather, Ring by Christine Bukkehave @christinebukkehave
Sleeves by Elaine Hersby @elainehersby, Top by Ella Zahlan @ellazahlan
Rings by Ninna York @ninnayork, Kimono by NIRAN New York @niran.shop, Button-down by Oroy @oroyshakhidi, Top by Rabot @rabotworld, Skirt by Gomez-Gracia @gomezgracialondon, Stockings by Vivienne Westwood, Heels by REVOLVE
Button-down by Oroy @oroyshakhidi, Top by Rabot @rabotworld
Kimono and Belt by NIRAN New York @niran.shop, Shirt dress by NOEND DENIM @noenddenim @, Necklace by Pyrrha @pyrrhajewelry
Earrings, cuff, glove, and sculptural undergarment by Graham Cruz @grahamcruz.studi, Blouse leotard by Gomez-Gracia @gomezgracialondon, Epaulet by Coral Castillo @coral_castillo, Cashmere shorts by BLVCK
Dress by Vaseghia @vaseghia, Belt by NIRAN New York @niran.shop
Catsuit by Sarah Regensburger @sarahregensburger_official